Rob Goodwin
Founder, trainer, international online coach

Rob Goodwin is a 30-year veteran personal trainer, fitness expert, former NPC competitive bodybuilder with several class wins, top Ketogenic/Carnivore Nutrition Coach and is known as a Pioneer in the new Ketogenic nutrition and training ethos. Rob is currently one of the most sought-after online coaches in the United States and abroad. Rob currently works with over 125 clients from the US and over 10 foreign countries!
Rob is an unrelenting self-experimenter who has spent thousands of hours questioning the validity of every strength, conditioning and nutritional protocol on the fitness landscape. A coach who thinks outside the box and who stays abreast of the latest scientific, nutrition and training methods. He has helped thousands of men and women achieve fitness success across the globe regardless of whether they wanted to become the best versions of themselves possible or competitive winners on the stage or the finish line. His gift is being able to quickly assess a client’s unique needs and tailor a fitness protocol to the client while developing the most direct path to the fastest possible results. Simply put, Rob just knows how to make it simple. But have no doubt, Rob is all about intensity and will push you to a new level personal growth in the gym and out on the terrain. Rob’s motto is “train hard, diet harder” and walks the walk daily in the gym and in the kitchen.
His devoted, direct, humorous, and easily understood manner is his trademark at the many fitness and nutrition seminars and consultations he has given over his career. As a speaker and coach, he is in high demand, due to his down to earth, relatable, engaging, frank, personable and often controversial style. Rob is Hickory's first private one-on-one personal trainer!
>> Check out Coach Rob's highly successful online programs starting at $19!!
Training Style: High Intensity Training / Capacity Training
Nutrition Practices: Hypercarnivore / Ketogenic
Cardiovascular & Metabolic training: Avid "Rucker"
My nutritional evolution is as follows:
1994 - 2003: Typical Bodybuilding Diet
2004 Strict Paleo
2007: Entry in to a ketogenic protocol
2010: Strict Ketogenic
2014: Developed my Ketogenic-Bodybuilding Hybrid Approach for Competitive Bodybuilding (Hypercarnivore with strategic Carbohydrate cycling)
2022: Hypercarnivore / Ketogenic
Rob’s successful podcast, The Ketogenic Bodybuilding Podcast, is regarded at the best in the genre with over 130,000 downloads and countless 5-Star reviews in its first 40 episodes.
Rob also has a successful YouTube presence... be sure to Subscribe to his YouTube Channel!
Contact us today to work with Coach Rob Goodwin.
[email protected]
Rob’s Areas of Expertise:
To work with Rob as your personal trainer, simply click HERE, fill out the quick web form and select "Rob Goodwin" as the trainer! Or Train with Rob online anywhere in the world!! Click here!
Rob is an unrelenting self-experimenter who has spent thousands of hours questioning the validity of every strength, conditioning and nutritional protocol on the fitness landscape. A coach who thinks outside the box and who stays abreast of the latest scientific, nutrition and training methods. He has helped thousands of men and women achieve fitness success across the globe regardless of whether they wanted to become the best versions of themselves possible or competitive winners on the stage or the finish line. His gift is being able to quickly assess a client’s unique needs and tailor a fitness protocol to the client while developing the most direct path to the fastest possible results. Simply put, Rob just knows how to make it simple. But have no doubt, Rob is all about intensity and will push you to a new level personal growth in the gym and out on the terrain. Rob’s motto is “train hard, diet harder” and walks the walk daily in the gym and in the kitchen.
His devoted, direct, humorous, and easily understood manner is his trademark at the many fitness and nutrition seminars and consultations he has given over his career. As a speaker and coach, he is in high demand, due to his down to earth, relatable, engaging, frank, personable and often controversial style. Rob is Hickory's first private one-on-one personal trainer!
>> Check out Coach Rob's highly successful online programs starting at $19!!
Training Style: High Intensity Training / Capacity Training
Nutrition Practices: Hypercarnivore / Ketogenic
Cardiovascular & Metabolic training: Avid "Rucker"
My nutritional evolution is as follows:
1994 - 2003: Typical Bodybuilding Diet
2004 Strict Paleo
2007: Entry in to a ketogenic protocol
2010: Strict Ketogenic
2014: Developed my Ketogenic-Bodybuilding Hybrid Approach for Competitive Bodybuilding (Hypercarnivore with strategic Carbohydrate cycling)
2022: Hypercarnivore / Ketogenic
Rob’s successful podcast, The Ketogenic Bodybuilding Podcast, is regarded at the best in the genre with over 130,000 downloads and countless 5-Star reviews in its first 40 episodes.
Rob also has a successful YouTube presence... be sure to Subscribe to his YouTube Channel!
Contact us today to work with Coach Rob Goodwin.
[email protected]
Rob’s Areas of Expertise:
- Body Re-Composition; Shredding Body Fat and Improving and Maintaining Lean Muscle
- Performance
- Longevity (Becoming super-fit at any age)
- Ketogenic Strength training, and Fat adapted Endurance (Running, cycling, etc.)
- Strength, Hypertrophy, Bodybuilding & Physique Competition
- Improved Health Through Specific Keto/Primal/Carnivore Nutrition and Fitness Principles
To work with Rob as your personal trainer, simply click HERE, fill out the quick web form and select "Rob Goodwin" as the trainer! Or Train with Rob online anywhere in the world!! Click here!
Rob’s Recent Competitions
2021 Nationals
Top 6, Masters Nationals (50+) Pittsburgh, PA.
2021 NPC Victory Classic
1st Place, Open Bodybuilding Heavyweight
1st Place, 50+ Masters Bodybuilding (All Weight Classes)
2019 NPC Mid-Atlantic Classic
1st Place, Open Bodybuilding Heavyweight
1st Place, 50+ Master’s Bodybuilding Heavyweight
2nd Place, 40+ Master’s Bodybuilding Heavyweight
2018 NPC Elite Muscle Classic
3rd Place, Open Bodybuilding Heavyweight
3rd Place, 40+ Master’s Bodybuilding Heavyweight
2015 NPC Muscle Heat
2nd Place, Open Bodybuilding Heavyweight
3rd Place, 40+ Master’s Bodybuilding Heavyweight
100+Mile Cycling Events
Bridge to Bridge Incredible Cycling Challenge (2005, 2006, 2007)
Blood Sweat & Gears 100-Mile Cycling Event: (2007)
Plus, countess other Metric Century (62-Mile) mountain cycling events.
Running, Triathlon, Etc.
Clearwater Beach Marathon: (2009)
Completed Chi Running Coaching Certification (2010)
Several Sprint Distance Triathlons, Duathlons (2009-2010)
Several ½ Marathons
2021 Nationals
Top 6, Masters Nationals (50+) Pittsburgh, PA.
2021 NPC Victory Classic
1st Place, Open Bodybuilding Heavyweight
1st Place, 50+ Masters Bodybuilding (All Weight Classes)
2019 NPC Mid-Atlantic Classic
1st Place, Open Bodybuilding Heavyweight
1st Place, 50+ Master’s Bodybuilding Heavyweight
2nd Place, 40+ Master’s Bodybuilding Heavyweight
2018 NPC Elite Muscle Classic
3rd Place, Open Bodybuilding Heavyweight
3rd Place, 40+ Master’s Bodybuilding Heavyweight
2015 NPC Muscle Heat
2nd Place, Open Bodybuilding Heavyweight
3rd Place, 40+ Master’s Bodybuilding Heavyweight
100+Mile Cycling Events
Bridge to Bridge Incredible Cycling Challenge (2005, 2006, 2007)
Blood Sweat & Gears 100-Mile Cycling Event: (2007)
Plus, countess other Metric Century (62-Mile) mountain cycling events.
Running, Triathlon, Etc.
Clearwater Beach Marathon: (2009)
Completed Chi Running Coaching Certification (2010)
Several Sprint Distance Triathlons, Duathlons (2009-2010)
Several ½ Marathons
Rob Goodwin's Online Presence
Kind words

"Tremendous thank you to Rob Goodwin and his staff at Original Workout. Without his training and nutrition concepts I would not have been able to excel in my running as I have done this year. Shattered my goal time for Charity Chase yesterday by five minutes. And the best part is....I'm only getting faster!! Thanks Rob!!"
"Just wanted to give a shout out to my trainer Rob Goodwin. He continues to be an inspiration to me, (as I am sure he is to ALL of his clients ) in not only achieving my goals, but maintaining a high level of fitness. I appreciate and respect a trainer who "practices what he preaches" as it relates to healthy nutrition and physical exercise. In Rob's latest endeavor, prepping for a bodybuilding competition, he showed complete focus and dedication in his training and the results were phenomenal! That is the type of TRAINER I want COACHING me! That is the type of INDIVIDUAL who will INSPIRE me!"
-Michael Cordora, Client
-Michael Cordora, Client
“Rob feedback time: I am rapt in your coaching model. It so works for me. The exercises you plan & give me feel specifically tailored to me as an individual. They are challenging and you pique my interest with the amazing variety. In response I push myself. In front of my eyes I am watching tangible progress & it is exciting. You are responsive and make me feel like I am your only client. You make a real difference.”-Tracy M, online client. Australia
Rob Goodwin is a fitness miracle worker. How he made me a couch potato of 20 years actually enjoy getting my butt kicked is a miracle! But he's the best trainer in the world and he has a huge heart! -Daniel Toner
Through Rob's encouragement and workouts I've discovered strength I didn't know I had!! He is truly Hickory's Best Trainer!!!
-Jamie / Client
-Jamie / Client
This gym is for people who take training seriously! Hint the fact that it's a personal gym where people PAY for personal trainers! No...... they don't give out pizza and muffins to their members!!!!! They give great knowledge about the body, workouts and any information to better yourself! I trust everyone who works there and would refer any of my close friends or family! Keep up the good honest work!!!! -Jeff Rollins
"I started working with Rob 2 years ago. I was overweight, unfit, and unhealthy. I felt bad about myself and what I had become. For Pete's sake, I was once a Division I athlete and a professional basketball player in Germany; but I let myself go after 3 children. So, I started working with Rob and it was tough. He never let me slack and complaining fell on deaf's ear. He had a plan for me; and he was not going to let me deviate. I am now 40 pounds lighter and competing in triathlons (something I would never have dreamed of doing). I am fit again and have a whole new perspective on fitness and nutrition! Rob was vital in my transformation. I will be forever grateful!"
Client and now Nationally Ranked Triathlete
Client and now Nationally Ranked Triathlete
"Rob takes his time developing a long term, helpful relationship with his clients. The result is that I am willing to work for him as hard as he works for me." -Dr. Bradshaw
"Rob has helped me to become a better runner, cyclist, triathlete, golfer, and all around athlete.
The intensity and pace of the workout stands out." -Andrew, Client
The intensity and pace of the workout stands out." -Andrew, Client
"When I reached 62 I decided that I wanted to be healthier when I reached 72. Working out with a professional trainer seemed like a great way to get started. Rob has helped me get in shape and make it become an obsession. Did I mention that he also helped me quit smoking and has also made great suggestions for improving my diet? Rob is a pro and his facility is well equipped, private and CLEAN! I truly hope that Rob will work with me for another 50+ years." -Gary, Client
I wanted to give you an update/success story. After suffering a stroke 5 years ago and having to have a heart operation to correct an issue, I had been on the statin cholesterol lowering carousel & trying to get back into some sort of shape & condition with limited results. Since your nutrition seminar that my wife & I both attended, I have shed 40 pounds, gotten off the statin drugs, & have been taken out by my wife to find some pants/shorts that fit. I have not been in a pant with a 30 waist in over 15 years but, I am there today. My wife has also had very good results. With the nutrition information, instruction & encouragement from your staff during TRX classes, Boot Camp, & even the Warrior Challenge I am in the best shape I have been in since my stroke. I am quickly closing in on my 46th birthday and I just rode the fastest 100K bike ride that I have ever ridden in my life.
I appreciate all of the help & support from you and your staff answering questions, & giving guidance in helping me get to this point.
Thanks again,
Jeffrey Deitz
I appreciate all of the help & support from you and your staff answering questions, & giving guidance in helping me get to this point.
Thanks again,
Jeffrey Deitz